Bankers & Wall Street VS Teachers

It is about time we compare Apples and Apples. What is good for the goose is good for the gander and Jon Stewert has put a very good foot forward in a proper comparison. Watch for yourself !


March 12th, 2011 | Tags: , , , | Category: Moot Point | Comments are closed

Warnings of Corporate Un-Governess from the PAST !

It is very interesting to stumble on very enlightening clips from CSPAN while I was doing research for other work/articles. So please take the time to watch and listen to what these folks were saying 10 years ago.

Obviously, the legislative rules created from this were watered down to non-existent after the legislation past during […]

Political Disinformation For Dummies

I can only guess that many of you placing comments on net blogs are the same folks that were paying all the attention to the Monica Lewinsky matter. And while your attention was focused on that meaningless set of facts, Congress was busy “repealing the Glass-Steagall Act” that enabled the Banks to trash this country in less than 9 years. To show how effective this is.. […]