Emergency Unemployment Extension Illusions And Realalitys

There has been a big disrespect paid to those that have been unemployed by no fault of their own but by the deregulating Congress, greedy wall street types, and the right wing talk media has been spinning that these folks just do not want to work or even look for a job. With a unemployment […]

Where the jobs went ! A Fresh Perspective

You might think this is a China or Japan Bashing post but think again. Where most of our jobs went is a internal problem and is the direct result of Merger and Acquisition that has been on steroids for the last 20 years. […]

Corporate Subsidies… But Not The Kind Your Thinking !

When hearing the term “Corporate Subsidies”, you might automatically think I would be speaking of the kind like the U.S. sugar industry gets to protect the price of sugar from cheap imports or the kind corn farmers may get for corn and methanol production. But if we were making methanol from sugar cane that is 3 times more efficient, this subside would not be needed and food prices would be lower, […]