So Long AT&T. I will not reward your Preditory Actions ! Hello Sprint & Android Phones!

Despite all the things that I was not told when I bought the original iPhone and required data and text message plans, the most important one being you must pay for a data plan for the life of the iPhone. Funny, I did not read that in my contract but I’m sure they poked it in there while I was under a 2 year contract with them (the only way to get a iPhone or iPhone service).

Most important Moot Point I have to make here is I do not love my iPhone enough to reward AT&T’s bad behavior ! I now have two iPhones I use as Paper weights and on occasion, as a iPod. I had to break out a old Motorola RAZR and call AT&T to tell them I made the switch and to cancel my data and text plans. Gee if I only had a Voice over IP app, WiFi coverege is better than AT&T’s coverage and would not need them at all. Anyway…

Apple could be next on my list as I will not get suckered into anything bearing their mark that requires a contract unless it has some absoluteness to it (is that even possible now-a-days?) or in this case un-absolutness that I may switch to a new carrier if I am unhappy with the one I have to buy it through.

Let’s look at what got us to this point in a time line that I can’t be specific but points out the sequence of events.

Apple creates a cool device and initially contacts Verizon a CDMA cell carrier about a exclusive deal to be the only supplier cell company. Talks break down as Apple wants a cut of money from data services.

Apple approaches AT&T for the same deal and they accept but before anyone knows about the product, AT&T buys several other cell company’s utilizing the same GSM cell phone technology giving them a mass monopoly on this amazing new gadget that has no name yet that Apple must now re-design for GSM cell networks.

AT&T sells iPhone (2G tech/EDGE) exclusively. One must pay $450 + and submit to a 2 year contract that includes a data and text message plan. minimum commitment is about $70 for 450 min of phone service per month and unlimited data and text for 2 years. but what after contract?

Apple gets upset with AT&T for not being able to provide planed upgrade features to the newest gadget iPhone like tethering and is quickly pulled from the very next software update. The” iPhone 3G S” employs HSPA, a flexible high speed data capability. AT&T can not deliver.

Behind the curtain, Apple makes a deal with Verizon to have a CDMA technology version of the phone but CDMA  will not support the speed requirements of the future of the iPhone features/apps/programs so a new system is devised and is to be implemented known as LTE.

Verizon buys Alltel Wireless as they know the future can be theirs as you can not use a iPhone from AT&T on their system so folks will have to buy a new iPhone if they wish to switch carriers. (profits profits!) Meanwhile they embrace Android OS platform smartphones like DRIOD.

AT&T now requires data plan for the life of a iPhone on their networks even if you are not in contract and if you are in a area where they do not even provide fair 2G speeds and have a 3G iPhone, your minimum data plan with minimum phone/data plan will cost you about $90 a month without text messaging.

In advance of iPhone 4 and iOS 4.0, AT&T moves to metered data plans in the hopes to make some profits to provide the 3G service they promised 2 years ago in most areas and now promising 4G service to the network and mostly not quite delivering the old EDGE data speeds (2G) unless you live in a larger city area.

My outlook for AT&T is bleak as they are to far behind in this data delivery game and now seem to be a very weak player to be able to deliver anything that might resemble a promising future of a cell phone company and this is not to mention the maintenance costs of the traditional aging land line based phones.

My outlook for Verizon is a bit better as they seem to be selling off their land based company’s that are not profitable for them but someone is going to e left without service when these company’s eventually fail.

So, the future is SPRINT !

Why? because they have no land based outdated wire systems that are high maintenance and are embracing Android based smartphones like the “HTC EVO 4G” and are not switching to metered data plans as they still offer a $99 unlimited voice and data plan and have a network that can deliver that data but we shall see if they are able to deploy 4G speeds to more than 50% of their network in the next 2 years.

In any case, once again, if you buy this phone you will be stuck using it through Sprint only, there is no carrier based on their technology. A plus for Sprint is they offer the EVO 4G phone at $449 and No Contract. This allows you the freedom to switch if they do not deliver but of course, you will need to buy a new phone to switch carriers.

All of that being said, it is not funny that a cell carrier can make folks think they are deploying all this high speed technology on their networks for years and not deliver it to 50% even 2 years after. My phone is outdated before you deploy the technology to use it correctly. I pay the same rate as those enjoying 3G but can’t get 2G enough to make it worth even $20 a month and they tell me I can’t cancel it even while I am not under any contract?. I do not mind paying for something that works but to be told I have to pay for something that does not is to much for my ideals.

So do the carriers have a monopoly…. Absolutely… You can not take your iPhone to Verizion, It’s just not possible. T-Mobile does not serve my area (the only other GSM carier) even if AT&T did not have a exclusive on the phone. Now see this with Verizon with Driod, and Sprint with EVO 4G, and T-Mobile and Goggle G1.

The FTC, FCC, Congress will not act on this. I guess it is like the banks and oil company’s self regulating. No action until failure of the system. But when one of these fails, it will only mean a merger will save the day till maybe only 2 company’s exists. Then What ?

What is embarrassing to me as an American, to look at half a dozen other country’s cell coverage, speeds and the number of competing carriers is so high and service so good, it’s not a wonder it is cheaper than in the U.S.

The in-action of regulation here is putting this country at a technological disadvantage and most consumers do not even know they are missing the boat as they seem to be pacified with a cool gadget even if they do not know the service is not half what it was meant to be .

So I will continue to collect these high priced techno paper weights but the next batch will undoubtedly be Android Platform Phones where I am also free to develop my apps for my use and do not have to get someones approval to use the device in a way that I see fit which is a new issue all together.

If it sounds like I am endorsing Sprint or Android it is because I am, at least till something else changes in the market that I do not see happening before Oct 2010 and most likely Nov 2011 And I have been weary of spending more time servicing my iPhone and my iPhone carrier than they spend servicing me !

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