Some after thoughts on several post ago…
So we had pointed out the fact that the High Courts decision leaves a national security hole in our constitutional government as now any multinational company may sway a election with as many millions of dollars they see fit.
Not having proper time to totally digest the implications of this, I have left out some other important points and a solution…
The biggest point I left out of the equation is that this will save Corporate America 100’s of millions of dollars now !
You herd it right, it will save them millions probably billions on lobby spending.
How is that you say?
Now they do not have to spend the money to get what they want. They only have to threaten to spend money against the elected to sway a Congressman’s Vote. Yes the mere threat is all they need. It’s like having a loaded gun to your head. They do not need to use it, just the fact that they have it and can use it is enough. Save them plenty of money. Only time we will have a clash is when two opposing company’s have the money and conflicting interest. I wonder what will happen then?
On a different note, not one scholar can seem to figure out where the court came up with this as they pulled the case before them and made argument that was not being made in the case. This leads me to believe that while all of us were kept busy worried if a court nominee was liberal or conservative, no one was asking if they were Neo-Capitalist !
So what do we the people do ? If a company has the same rights as a citizen and they can spend as much as you and money is equal to free speech and congress can take no action against the first amendment?
WE THE PEOPLE ! remember that clause, well the founding fathers did give the people a way out almost as they could have predicted this event over 225 years ago !
We The People can “Amend the Constitution” and decide that corporations who did not have a unalienable right to vote have no rights as a citizen as they are not a living being and were originally created and chartered to serve the public interest can not contribute 1 dollar to any election campaign.
But it would be good to ensure that Congress can not take away in part or whole any amendment coming from “THE PEOPLE”. So that should be added to it also.
Again… where are you Gerry Spence ? I need you ! Come Off That Damn Mountain, this is what you were born for !
I’m about to do a one man march on Congress, The Court and Wall Street for good measure in my work clothes (without job) and pitch fork in hand and a sign that says “The Banks Took My Job And Now I Can Not Afford Enough Free Speech To Change My Situation” Could You Please Lend Me Some Free Speech?”
If I can not afford free speech, I surely will never be able to afford to eat !
I will be open for comments on this one so please be civil !