Almost Extinct – Repubicans Have Two Elephants In The Room

Well it looks like the new spokespersons for the Republican Party are going to be Rush Limbaugh and former VP Dick Cheney. After the ridiculous holding each others hand as they pat each others back and not having anything of substance to say even on Rush’s show where it is not news but entertainment and can tell any lie they might want to. The great message here…. “I want Obama To Fail”. Gee, what patriots we have here as if any US President would fail, so goes our nation (ie George Bush jr).

I think this has more to do with those on the left who have steered Obama to break on a statement he make while running for office that was ” it does not serve any purpose to spend our time looking back”, he wanted to move past the issue of possible criminal activity by Cheney/Bush and the legal advisers who steered us into a war, breaking moral/legal standards of treatment of POW’s.

Well I for one wish Obama would hold to his statement but the far left can smell blood on this and think it may be the icing on the cake to finish the party off for a decade. Well I do think the time would be better spent on issues going forward.

Spending, Education, National Energy Policy, Health Care are all areas the Republicans have no moral authority on so why do the democrats need to make such a fuss or are they playing the republican game now they have control of the stern? If they continue acting like the Republicans they may find themselves just as extinct… where the hell is Ross Peroit anyway? I’m sure we can find someone like him. I would say to the Dem’s  “Make a mark on the issues and you shall remain in control”.

If I were a Republican, I would think their time would be best spent coming up with a better plan than the Democrats have put-up. In the mean time, I would just say to them Put-Up or Shut-Up, I want to move forward.

Yes, the Republicans have spilt the milk and do not want the Democrats to even clean it up and it is starting to smell.

So must all of us  sit in their soils? By engaging in arguments of yesterday, that is just what we are doing. If Cheney and Limbaugh are the new poster boys, the Democrats have nothing to fear. I do not hear any alternative plans just “everything Obama wants is wrong” as a message is not going to cut it with the public forever.

Both Party’s Please Move On, The folks in the middle would still like to think you work for us not just against each other.

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