Well this is not your fathers 7 dirty words. In fact I would say they are not dirty at all. Well… it depends on how you use them. This is just one of my lessons on liars and their words and how the political folks have learned how to use them well.
OK, one to get started with a warm-up that I’m sure that you will understand as it may not be political at all… well again it depends.
A “RECEPTIONIST” is a person that sees you are received, Right…
Wrong… A Receptionist is there to see to it that you are not received by the person you are trying to see. Go figure !
This is a way of not telling the truth and make it sound like the truth. Now for all the smudge words you hear the most during an election or when important legislation is on the floor. Its kinda like the weatherman or fortune teller using vague words so he or she is always right or at least 50% of the time.
“Eliminate A Tax” – These are always popular things to say when running for election. Keep in mind if you eliminate “Tax A” you must replace funds that the tax created with “Tax B”. And in some of the most popular ones I have been hearing is to eliminate “Property Taxes” in favor of “Sales Taxes”. Sounds good right ? Well do also keep in mind that Corporate America does not pay sales tax, You do! Corporate America would normally be paying property tax so who is getting a break here and who is paying more. What happens to shore-up your state government when the economy is soft. I suspect they would just increase the sales tax when sales are down and you need it most. You have no say in the matter. A penalty for those that spend does not seem the best way to stimulate a failing economy. Taxes are not calculated in cost of living increases.
New Laws For Illegal Aliens – With all the talk about them, we have laws that would allow them to become legal if they would choose to go that route. It is not like they have to go to “GITMO” and take a torture test. So if they are illegal, why are they still here if we know they are here? Anyone speaking of making new laws dealing with these is simply making laws that would make them legal instead of illegal and can then say they reduced illegal aliens (by making them legal). The laws are there, options are there to become legal, just a lack of enforcement and political will mostly caused by commercial interest that do not want to pay much for work. This is really a national security issue.
Tax Rebate – A temporary hand over of your money that you should spend it on things you would not normally spend it on, thinking it is free money that will soon be at a tax in your future most likely when the person giving it is out of office.
The Stockholders Own The Company… – If this were true then when the company files bankruptcy, common stock shareholders would be paid before preferred share stockholders. And if you do your homework, most preferred holders are company insiders. You need to be someone special to be a preferred holder of stock. Bottom line is insiders make money while you get the shaft.
“The Crime Rate Is Down”… – We fail to mention that do to the lack of funding, we are unable to catch those criminals. You could say much about any government oversight duty such as the FDA and others as we have so underfunded these agency to the point where now it is inevitable that problems can only go up and our ability to cope with the problems going down. It looks good on someones political record who allowed the cuts and bad for the guy who has to now refund these agency’s and deal with the cost of the problems created just to keep its citizens safe as they were before the budget slashing. Folks never read past the headline. No Spending cuts come without cost.
“He/She Voted Against“… – I see this used every election cycle. Most bills that make their way through the legislature are very complex multi-issue legal documents. They sometimes are crafted this way as a means of bargaining with fellow senators/representatives as I vote for your amendment to this if you vote for mine so they are packaged together. One bill can contain hundreds of funding and laws. To say one senator/representative voted against it most likely is a lie. More likely there was something else in there that was going to hurt his or her on district or state even if they would have voted for the individual issue if it stood alone. This only gives ammo to a challenger in an election. You only need to ask yourself if that person was speaking out about that issue they are charged with voting against.
Lobbyist – A method of allowing group citizens concerned in common interest to speak to Congress to legislate on their behalf. Well now it is done by corporate America but still done on a premise of speaking on your behalf. Lets site some examples of some you would commonly know and then ones you do not.
NRA (National Rifle Association) You should know this one and they are no secret lobbyist whether you agree with them or not, they take a stand in a interest of folks of a common interest and lobby public officials to act on those interest.
AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) You know this one and it is no secret.
Now the trick is to have/form a group that says it stands for something in your interest but often the reality is they are paid for by folks who’s interest may be completely opposite. Why would banks and insurance company’s spend millions of dollars to pass laws that are to benefit you the consumer ? ’cause they don’t really lobby in your interest, only theirs and fund the groups that are speaking in your behalf.
Well rather than site a individual group, there are so many. Have a look for yourself at opensecrets.org and you shall see just why Ross Perot was speaking out about this many years ago when the money was less than half of what it is today. I just wish when someone says they speak on my behalf, they would let me know ’cause most likely, I do not agree with what they are saying.
“What’s good for GM is good for me and this county”…. – Well if you say so, but it kinda looks like they have been driving down the same road wouldn’t you say. I would liken that America drive GM than GM drive America. Better to say that America to build good roads for GM to drive on and watch over it so it obeys the rules of the road. Folks could work for GM at $1 and hour and that would be good for GM. So if you believe this, just tell the company you work for you want to help them out and cut your wages in half or give up your retirement/health care benefits to keep America strong. When GM finds a way to become profitable for its common shareholders instead of the management, we will all do better. The lack of good tax policy has made it more profitable to invest overseas than in the USA. So now we must compete with assembly lines we created in other markets. And we did all of this in the name of what is good for GM.