Keep Your Eyes On The (YOUR) Money!

Question For You Is Which Taxpayer Money Deserves Your Attention Most

While most of you are very angry about the “AIG Bonuses” as I am. Please do not let this distract you from the other 99.8% of the money AIG has of yours (maybe even more before it is over).
I am not sure if the bonus money was an intentional distraction or not but the media and public have their teeth in deep on this one.
But what is more important than Congress Grand-Standing again in an area they have no moral authority because each of them has put as much pork in spending bills in the last month via earmarks of the same amounts or more and they now are outraged and everyone is harping on the 170-216 “Million” in MOOT bonus money.
It seems a simple question to answer…
AIG was technically bankrupt and the US Government via the taxpayer is the bankruptcy judge and can easily declare the contracts for bonuses void and congress having control of all spending can easily do so.
See here now, nobody is telling you who is getting the other $169 “Billion”. It is going to other banks… no scratch that it is going to other money institutions and a few may be banks but many of whom were selling new money products called derivatives. This is the money lost when money bets money to fail and it does. Win Win… scratch that…. lose lose… Well that depends on who you are!
Bet on bet to fail???
Start asking the right questions if you want the right answers and don’t take your eyes of the Big Jackpot AIG has of yours or it too will be as MOOT as the bonus money at a future tax in your wallet.

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