New Years Resolutions

Well, we all make resolutions this time of year but you might find ours just a bit MOOT! I resolve to have answers to the following questions (many are carry overs from 2007,2006,2005…) 1- Why do we continue to create methanol from Corn? It is very apparent that it is the least effective method for […]

George Bailey Must Have Jumped From the Bridge !

For those that do not understand the reference, “It’s A Wonderful Life” 1946 Movie Building And Loan Chair George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart). How else can you explain the lack of a Savings and Loan Now-a-days? For those that have forgotten just what that is or was, Local folks with Secure Vaults hold the savings of […]

Blagojavich Gets Caught !

That is what the headline should read. There is much more to read into what we are hearing. First, I think we can all agree that this sort of thing has been going on for quite some time in all areas of our great nation. The two things that make this stand-out is 1- It is a sequel of corruption for the state and 2- It was Obama’s former Senate seat. Now the later is what got the most attention, I think to make an attempt to at least embarrass the new President or at least try to keep his plate full of things to deal with before […]

Big 3 Get Taxpayer Money As Loan ?

GM, Speaking before Congress says that filing bankruptcy is “NOT AN OPTION”. I can only imagine the reason why is because the type of bankruptcy they would file would be a Chapter 11 (reorganization) and allows the government to see the books and allows a judge make the decisions about what is cut including the CEO and board wages/benefits. I do think there are many secrets in those books […]