Almost Extinct – Repubicans Have Two Elephants In The Room

Well it looks like the new spokespersons for the Republican Party are going to be Rush Limbaugh and former VP Dick Chaney. After the ridiculous holding each others hand as they pat each others back and not having anything of substance to say even on Rush’s show where it is not news but entertainment and can tell any lie they might want to. The great message here…. “I want Obama To Fail”. Gee, what patriots we have here… […]

The “BIG BROTHER” Conspiracy Theories are MOOT !

For many years if not many decades we have herd the shouting of fears of people that the government watching over everything you do. I have ignored them for the most part as anything that has ever resembled them were quick to be stopped by folks that fear “BIG BROTHER”. The Government will never act in this way because of public scrutiny every time it has even resembled it. They do not have to act this way any more for it to come true as you will see. A few years ago an idea came to me that actually made sense that supported this big brother theory that I had never given merit. For the last 15 years I have been watching security of data and personal information […]

Politics and Words That Screw You !

Well this is not your fathers 7 dirty words. In fact I would say they are not dirty at all. Well… it depends on how you use them. This is just one of my lessons on liars and their words and how the political folks have learned how to use them well. OK, one to get started with a warm-up that I’m sure that you will understand as it may not be political at all… well again it depends. A “RECEPTIONIST” is a person to see that you are received, Right… Wrong… A Receptionist is there to see to it that you are not received by the person you are trying to see. Go figure ! This is a way of not telling the truth and make it sound like the truth. Now for all the smudge words you hear the most during an election or when important legislation is on the floor. Its kinda like the weatherman or fortune teller using vague words so he or she is always right or at least 50% of the time. New Laws For Illegal Aliens – With all the talk about them, we have laws that would allow them to become legal if … […]

Taxing The Untaxed

In an effort to keep a campaign promise, the Obama administration states it will now attempt to close tax loopholes that have allowed corporate America to evade taxes by investing overseas. This could be a giant first step in regaining our economic status we once held that has been greatly diminished by many years of congress doing what was in their best interest as far as the lobby groups are concerned. It will do no less than keep it from sinking any further, but can it be done ? The President will face a challenge to this from his own party… […]

Specter Spectacle – Double Faced or Double Faked

Arlen Specter, Long term Senator(R) from Pennsylvania Switches parties and leaves the Democrats one vote short of a filibuster proof senate. Whats behind this?

Arlen has been a very slight maverick on some of his votes but most of the ones that have angered his own party the most. Well, he would be no different […]

Chrysler – A New Lease From Sure Death – GM Take Notice

Not Your Fathers Bail-Out ! Surprisingly a bankruptcy is hailed as a savior. Go figure. It appears that a deal to engage in bankruptcy was needed as everyone involved was taking a cut with the exception of some hedge fund creditors that were holding out for more government bail-out money. By using bankruptcy, the hedge fund creditors are guaranteed nothing as a judge will decide just who will get paid what in debts as it should be the way the law is written. So for once, the greedy may get nothing and… […]