Toyota’s Unwanted Unintended Acceleration Problem Explained

For many years I myself have been angry about the FCC rules being relaxed about 20 years ago with regard to Part 15 Interference between devices. The relaxed rules simply are no rules or standards that a device must be able to withstand some amount of RF energy before acting improperly. This was to allow […]

More on MONEY=FREE SPEECH… I have a solution !

Some after thoughts on several post ago…

So we had pointed out the fact that the High Courts decision leaves a national security hole in our constitutional government as now any multinational company may sway a election with as many millions of dollars they see fit.

Not having proper time to totally digest the implications […]

How Does Obama Move Forward ? A lesson From Ronald Reagan

This has a pretty simple answer.

He should take lessons from Ronald Reagan. Take your case to the people and ask for their help to achieve specifically crafted legislation like Bank Reform, Health Care Reform, Lobby Reform.

He is going to have to get a backbone and not worry about who he is going to […]

How Much Free Speech Can You Afford

The Supreme Court has not only re affirmed a 2003 decision that money some how equates to free speech, they took the limits off how much money can be free speech.

At the root of the debate is how much money a Corporations can spend on election campaigns of political officials.

Now first keeping mind […]

California Mud Slides May Have Been Preventable

I am surprised the greenest state in the union has not yet learned anything from these events in the past.

As it has been their history the mud slides get started after a large wildfire clears out major areas of forest and brush and with nothing to absorb a major rainfall and nothing holding the […]

Massachusetts Senate Upset About Health Care? Yes, but Not Like You Think

So the Republicans putting their spin on the surprise win and loss of Democratic control of Ted Kennedy’s former seat in a special election are telling everyone it is about Obama Health care that the public is rejecting.

Well, They are right, it is about health care but that is because the state of Massachusetts […]